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A Full Service Experience

As a family owned business, the certified HVAC techs at Luxury Air, LLC take great pride in helping our friends and neighbors in Morgan County and the surrounding areas.

Office Address

1052 Old State Rd 67 S, Martinsville, IN 46151

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(765) 516-6000

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Tips for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home heating system

By following these tips, you can help maintain a comfortable and energy-efficient home heating system. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact a professional at Luxury Air, LLC for assistance.

  1. Schedule Regular Maintenance: One of the most important things you can do is schedule regular maintenance for your heating system. During an appointment, a professional can check for any potential problems and make any necessary repairs or adjustments.
  2. Use a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat can help you save energy and money by automatically adjusting the temperature when you’re not home. You can set it to turn down the heat when you’re asleep or away from home, and then bring it back up to a comfortable level when you return.
  3. Seal Air Leaks: Air leaks can waste a lot of energy, so it’s important to find and seal any leaks around your home. Check around windows, doors, and the foundation for any gaps or cracks, and use caulk or weather stripping to seal them up.
  4. Insulate Your Home: Good insulation is key to keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Check the insulation in your attic, walls, and floors to make sure it’s adequate, and add more if necessary.
  5. Keep Vents and Registers Clear: Make sure that your vents and registers are not blocked by furniture or other items. Blocked vents can make it harder for your heating system to circulate air, reducing its efficiency and comfort.
  6. Change Your Air Filter Regularly: A dirty air filter can reduce the efficiency of your heating system, so make sure to change it every three months, or more often if necessary.


Luxury Air, LLC